
Warning Day: Germany to test alerts and sirens on September 12

Warning Day: Germany to test alerts and sirens on September 12

On September 12, the German government will run a trial warning period known as a Warntag (Warning Day). People in Germany will receive a test emergency alert on their devices, and may hear sirens nearby.

German Warning Day: What to expect on September 12, 2024

On September 12, Germany will run another Warning Day. At 11am people in Germany will receive a trial warning message via their mobile phone, radio or TV. 

You can read the warning when it appears but you do not need to do anything. A “warning test over” message will follow at 11.45am, unless the message is received via cell broadcast, in which case you will not receive an Entwarnung (unwarning message).

As well as the nationwide text warning, you may also hear sirens. This will depend on where in Germany you are. On September 12, Landkreise and Kommune can choose to test their siren warning systems, but they are not obliged to.

Germany prepares for another annual Warntag

The uncertainty caused by the outbreak of war in Europe, summer flooding and extreme heat have pushed authorities to trial new warning methods more regularly.

The country had its first official Warntag back in September 2020. Warntag efforts were increased after the 2021 floods across North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, when many people did not receive warnings or received them too late. 196 people died in the flooding.

Each year, the federal government tries to increase the number of people the warning message reaches and make sure the message is delivered as promptly as possible. Annual Warntage are now always scheduled for the second week in September.

Thumb image credit: CorinnaL /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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