
German supermarkets recall potentially poisonous potatoes

German supermarkets recall potentially poisonous potatoes

Several German supermarkets have recalled potatoes grown in Egypt containing poisonous amounts of glyphosate pesticide. These are the brands which should be avoided until further notice:

Edeka, Netto, REWE and Penny recall potentially poisonous potatoes

Several German supermarkets, including Edeka, Netto, REWE and Penny, have recalled potatoes after they were found to contain a dangerous amount of the carcinogenic pesticide glyphosate.

The supermarkets have warned customers not to eat the potatoes, since negative health consequences cannot be ruled out. According to the Heinrich Böll Foundation, pesticide poisoning can cause people to feel “limp, tired and exhausted and cause limb or headaches similar to the flu. The stomach is also weakened, leading to nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.”

Which supermarket potatoes should be avoided?

Customers who have already bought potatoes from the four German supermarkets should avoid eating them and can return them to the shop without a receipt to get their money back.

Until further notice, the following potato brands should be avoided:

  • Ackergold Speisefrühkartoffeln, mehligkochend, Ursprung Ägypten, Sorte: Lilly im 2-kg-Beutel (Edeka)
  • GUT&GÜNSTIG Speisefrühkartoffeln, vorwiegend festkochend, Ursprung Ägypten, Sorte: Lilly im 2,5-kg-Beutel (Edeka)
  • Markttag Speisefrühkartoffeln, mehligkochend, Ursprung Ägypten, Sorte: Lilly im 2,5-kg-Beutel (Netto)
  • Beste Wahl, Speisefrühkartoffeln, Sorte: Lilly, mehligkochend, 2,0 kg (REWE)
  • Marktliebe, Speisefrühkartoffeln, Sorte: Lilly, mehligkochend, 2,0 kg (Penny)

If you shop at another German supermarket, it is also worth checking if further products have been recalled.

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Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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