
Lyrids meteor shower to light up skies across Germany

Lyrids meteor shower to light up skies across Germany

The Lyrids meteor shower will be visible in the skies over Germany from April 16 to 25, depending on the weather. The Lyrids are an annual astronomical event, which in 2024 are expected to peak on the night of April 21 to 22.

Lyrids first visible 2.500 years ago

The Lyrids are one of the oldest astronomical events ever recorded, with some ancient Chinese texts noting the phenomenon’s existence. According to those texts, the meteor shower may have even been visible as long as 2.500 years ago. 

The meteor shower originated in the Thatcher comet, which takes 415 years to orbit the sun and is predicted to be visible from Earth again in the year 2276. The meteors in this shower broke away from the comet and burned up in the atmosphere, before potentially hitting the ground and becoming meteorites.

The moon conditions are not expected to be optimal to watch this annual meteor treat, but even without the best conditions for darkness, there should be a good opportunity for stargazers to enjoy a glimpse of the meteor shower. 

Lyrids meteor showers visible over Germany

The Lyrids meteor shower will be visible not just in Germany but across the world more broadly, too. To get the best chance of seeing the display, head out to a dark spot such as a national park, and away from the city where there is too much light so that you can enjoy the spectacle in darkness. 

To avoid getting a sore neck, experts recommend lying down to take in the view, as well as allowing enough time for your eyes to adjust to the darkness - this could take up to 20 minutes! "Though not as fast or as plentiful as the famous Perseids in August, Lyrids can surprise watchers with as many as 100 meteors seen per hour," NASA wrote on its website. "Up to 20 meteors an hour can be seen during the shower’s peak."

Thumb image credit: AstroStar /



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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