
University of Technology Chemnitz, Automatic Control and System Dynamics Lab

University of Technology Chemnitz, Automatic Control and System Dynamics Lab - Company logo
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Chemnitz University of Technology is a cosmopolitan university with strong regional, national and international networks. It is home to about 2,300 academic and administrative employees as well as more than 9,600 students from about 90 countries. It is thus the third largest university in Saxony. In terms of the proportion of foreign students, Chemnitz University of Technology occupies a top position among state universities nationwide.

The research in the lab of Professorship Automatic Control and System Dynamics focuses on development of control theoretic methods in the following areas:

  • optimal and learning-based control for nonlinear systems,
  • analysis of uncertain, dynamical systems using set-based methods,
  • hierarchical, optimal and fault-tolerant control,
  • formal verification of control systems.