
Vegan diet most cost-effective during inflation, statistics reveal

Vegan diet most cost-effective during inflation, statistics reveal

Statistics published by the German government have revealed that following a vegan, rather than a vegetarian or meat-eating diet, is the most effective way to save money during the current spike in inflation.

Vegan diet is cheaper during German inflation

According to data released by Destatis, the German federal statistics office, following a vegan diet allows shoppers to make significantly more savings during high inflation than following a vegetarian or meat-eating diet.

In response to the rising cost of living in Germany, Destatis looked at which supermarket foods have become more expensive in recent months. Of the seven categories of food, “miscellaneous”, which includes condiments such as mayonnaise, have increased in price the most. After this came dairy products and eggs, which increased in price by 26,1 percent between January and November 2022. Of all of the categories, fruit and vegetables, the basis of a vegan diet, have increased the least in price.

Cost of dairy products through the roof in Germany

According to research done by broadcaster rbb, since January 2022 the cost of animal products, which are regularly included in vegetarian and meat-eating diets, have increased massively in comparison to products often bought by vegans.

The costs of yoghurt and Hirtenkase, a traditional feta-like cheese originating from Bavaria, have risen by 73 and 50 percent respectively. Among meat products, organic minced meat rose in cost the most, at 38 percent, and meatloaf by 25 percent. 

Products often included in vegan diets, such as vegan minced meat, organic tofu and sliced tofu, did not increase in price at all in the first 11 months of 2022. Oat milk, which is proving increasingly popular in parts of Germany, even with people who eat and drink dairy products, rose in price by 20 percent.

One consequence of the change is that overall, vegan alternatives to meat are starting to be of equal cost per kilogram, or in some cases cheaper than meat in Germany.

Thumb image credit: AlexBuess /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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