
Start your relocation to Germany with Get In Expat!

Start your relocation to Germany with Get In Expat!


If you are moving to Germany, you almost certainly have a lot of worries, doubts and questions - perhaps even more so after checking online, because there is a lot of contradicting information out there. If you’re looking for an easy place to start your relocation process, check out the services of Get In Expat.

From visas and jobs to housing and benefits, Get In Expat has got your relocation to Germany covered

Expats, meet Get in Expat

Get In Expat was founded by two expats, each with 15 years of experience of relocating to different countries. This is how they know what you need to achieve a successful relocation to Germany, and this expat background helps them to deliver all of their services with a personal touch. 

Get in Expat believes that a smooth and hassle-free relocation can transform your life in your adopted home. It is their goal to help expats have a stress-free and easy move to their new host country. Get In Expat is committed to offering the simplest and most effective tools and services to help you to get there.

Start your relocation with support from Get In Expat on visas and jobs

If you are coming from a country outside of the European Union, applying for a visa is the first step you need to complete to start your relocation to Germany. Get In Expat's visa service offers:

  • A one-hour consultation with an immigration specialist
  • Answers to your visa-related questions
  • Advice on which visa you should apply for 
  • Help with the application process

Get in touch to start your visa application! 

For people who are looking for a new challenge, want to learn another language or simply have international experience and are looking for a job in Germany, Get In Expat’s job service is on hand to help. This service provides you with everything you need to succeed in your job search in Germany, including: 

  • A one-hour consulting session with a specialist
  • CV or cover letter review and interview preparation
  • Tips and tricks to improve your job search in Germany

Book a call with the Get In Expat job service to get yourself ready to apply in the German job market.

Moving to Germany with a work contract

If you already have a work contract in Germany, it’s time to put your relocation plan into action. Get In Expat can help you here too! 

With the one-hour First Steps in Germany consulting session, Get In Expat's relocation specialists can help you with everything you need to know before coming to Germany, including preparing for your city registration appointment (Anmeldung) and sorting out your German health insurance. 

Armed with this practical, fast, reliable and first-hand information, you’ll have everything you need to have a stress-free relocation to Germany - all in just one hour! Get in touch to book your session

Relocation packages 

If you are looking for a relocation partner to accompany you through every step of your relocation to Germany, Get In Expat offers a full range of relocation services to suit your needs. Schedule a 15-minute call with one of the Get In Expat partners so they can discuss your requirements and give you a tailor-made quote. Ask for a quote.


If you are already in Germany and have completed all your paperwork but are now facing the nightmare of finding long-term housing, this service is for you! Get In Expat offers a home search service because they know that - no matter whether you’re a local or an international - it is not always easy to find a place to live in Germany. Book a call

Child benefits in Germany 

And finally, if you have been in Germany for a while, you might know that all residents - including expats and internationals - are legally entitled to financial support from the German government to cover their children’s basic needs. This benefit, known as Kindergeld, is a monthly payment given to all parents with children in Germany, no matter how much they earn. 

It is paid until your children reach the age of 18, or the age of 25 if they remain in full-time education. As of January 2023, the child benefit amounts to 250 euros per month per child. If you’re unsure how to go about applying for this benefit, Get In Expat can help you fill out the online application form

Start your relocation with Get In Expat!  

From finding a job and applying for a visa, to securing housing and benefits, Get In Expat supports internationals through every step of the moving process. Visit their website to see the full range of Get In Expat services and book an initial call today



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