
It's going to hit 30 degrees in Germany this June

It's going to hit 30 degrees in Germany this June

Dust off your sandals, slap on some suncream and fire up that barbecue, because it’s set to hit 30 degrees in Germany this June.

Warm temperatures hit Germany this weekend

After a dreary yet dramatic month of storms, floods and tornadoes in Germany this May, the news that the sun is on its way could not be more welcome. From Thursday, June 30, temperatures will finally start to exceed the 20 degree mark. While things will be a bit cooler in the south of Germany, on Thursday, highs of 24 degrees are expected in the east. And with June 30 being Himmelfahrt, a national holiday observed throughout Germany, everyone gets a chance to enjoy the sunshine.

But the good news doesn’t end there. Those who thought to take some extra holiday leave to stretch out the long weekend are in luck, as the weather stays fine through Friday and into the weekend. The thermometer will keep on rising as a bank of lovely warm air drifts over Germany from the Mediterranean. The spike in temperature will reach 25 degrees on Sunday in most of the country, while the breezy coastal regions to the north will enjoy a balmy 20 degrees.

German heatwave continues throughout June

Meteorologists from the German Weather Service (DWD) predict that this will only be the beginning of a long period of warm weather that will last way into June. Over the following week, beginning Monday, June 3, temperatures will continue on their upward trajectory, with a high of 30 degrees reached or perhaps even exceeded in some regions by Wednesday, June 5.

The heatwave is expected for at least a couple of weeks, bringing with it a strong chance of thunderstorms. Temperatures are predicted to remain above the 20-degree mark throughout the first couple of weeks of June. While the sunny weather is certainly a welcome relief after all the rain, the DWD is warning that this summer could be extremely hot - perhaps even hotter than the drought-plagued summer of 2018, which was the hottest on record in Germany.



Abi Carter

Managing Editor at IamExpat Media. Abi studied German and History at the University of Manchester and has since lived in Berlin, Hamburg and Utrecht, working since 2017 as a writer,...

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