
Family allowances in Germany to be simplified and digitised

Family allowances in Germany to be simplified and digitised

Good news for all families in Germany: the federal and state governments have agreed to simplify (and, as far as possible, digitise) the process of applying for family allowances like child benefits and the parental allowance.

Digital Family Benefits Act clears cabinet

Last week, the federal government approved a draft of the so-called “Digital Family Benefits Act”. The draft bill aims to simplify access to family allowances, with particular emphasis on parental allowances (Elterngeld), child benefits (Kindergeld) and birth registrations

“In future, parents will be able to apply for birth certificates, parental allowances, child benefits and child allowances with a digital application,” said Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Franziska Giffey. “We are thus bundling together all of the benefits that are most important after the birth of a child.” 

Bill intends to reduce red tape for new parents

The idea is to relieve the burden on new parents, who are often faced with a wall of bureaucracy as soon as their new baby arrives. They will be able to give their consent for their data to be shared between authorities, saving them from having to apply to multiple different organisations - and a few trips to governmental organisations.

“You only have to enter all the necessary information once,” said Giffey. “These benefits should be available to all parents nationwide by 2022 at the latest.”

The bill must now secure approval from both the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, before it can be put into effect. 



Abi Carter

Editor in Chief at IamExpat Media. Abi studied German and History at the University of Manchester and has since lived in Berlin, Hamburg and Utrecht, working since 2017 as a...

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