- Beiersdorf
- Beiersdorf AG
- Bekaert Building Company nv
- Bel Deutschland GmbH
- Belkin
- Bella&Bona GmbH
- benteler
- BergMix
- Berlin International university of applied sciences
- Berlitz Freiburg
- Bertelsmann
- Bertelsmann printing Group
- Bertrandt
- Betting Connections
- Beumer
- BeyondTrust
- bidroom
- bilfinger
- Billabong
- Binance
- Biocell Technology International GmbH
- Biogen
- Biomarin
- BioMed X Institute
- Bioventus
- Bitfury
- Bitwala
- BlaBlaCar
- BlackBerry
- Blacklane
- BlackRock
- Blackstone
- Blinkist
- Bloom and Wild
- Bloomberg EMEA
- Bloomberg LP
- Bloomreach
- Blue Yonder
- BMC Software
- BMO Financial Group
- BMW Car IT
- BMW Car IT GmbH
- BMW Group
- BNP Paribas