
Interact English gGmbH

Interact English gGmbH - Company logo
About the company: 

InterACT English is a non-profit organization consisting of an international team of native English speakers, trained language teachers and artists. Together we call ourselves teaching artists. Through our programs, we have been enriching the classroom with the art forms and languages ​​we love since 2009, inspiring students and teachers nationwide. Our work is based on the approach of performative pedagogy in foreign language teaching and brings art-based language teaching to German schools. We have three fields of action: Student programs in schools, professional development workshops for teachers, and special education initiatives through which we explore important social issues and challenges using art. InterACT is currently active in 12 states and hosts approximately 140 collaborative projects with partner schools across all school types and age groups. Through our work, over 10,000 students and hundreds of teachers have access to arts-integrated English instruction each year.