
Working Student in Material Analysis for Solar Modules (all genders)

Research / Academic

Über das Unternehmen
Wir sind einer der größten Solarenergie-Anbieter weltweit. Als Komplettanbieter sauberer Energielösungen versorgen wir private und gewerbliche Endkunden nicht nur mit Solarmodulen und -systemen sowie Stromspeichern, sondern bieten auch integrierte Services und Dienstleistungen wie Stromverträge und Power Contracting an, um so den Zugang zu 100 % sauberem Strom zu ermöglichen.

Wir vertreiben nicht nur hochmoderne Solartechnologie, wir entwickeln sie auch stetig selbst weiter. Dabei arbeiten wir eng mit renommierten internationalen Forschungszentren wie dem Fraunhofer-Institut für solare Energiesysteme in Freiberg zusammen.

What do we offer?

  • Arrival made easy: With the help of a welcome training and an orientation plan, we introduce you to your new tasks in a structured manner. A personal mentor will be at your side with help and advice
  • Moving forward together: In a collegial atmosphere we live open communication, support each other and share our kledge
  • od for body and soul: A subsidized canteen with healthy, freshly cooked menus and a wide range of health offers from our Q.CARE program, e.g. flu vaccinations, massages or preventive medical checkups, ensure that you stay fit - because the well-being of our employees is close to our heart
  • Mobile on all routes: We offer you flexible working hours and the possibility of mobile working. Our shuttle service from Bitterfeld station to the Solar Valley makes your way to work as comfortable as possible. But also as a car driver you will always find a free parking space in our car park. Well-equipped, barrier-free offices and meeting rooms complete the overall picture

What can you expect?

  • You contribute to the development of next generation solar modules at our company
  • You perform chemical investigations of materials for advanced cell connection technologies with GCMS, TGA, etc. in our laboratory and evaluate them
  • You derive application-oriented properties (processability, contact formation, reliability, etc.) from material property results with focus on cell interconnection within a solar module
  • You suggest improvements for materials of cells interconnection technologies in cooperation with experts in other development groups at our company

What should you bring along?

  • You are about to complete your technical or scientific studies and have a strong interest in material science or chemistry with basic experience in the physics and/or chemistry of semiconductor materials being an advantage
  • You are characterized by a systematic, analytical and process-oriented way of thinking and have already gained laboratory experience in basic studies
  • You can show good kledge in the preparation of scientific papers
  • You are a real team player and have good communication skills in English or German
  • You are confident in using MS Office and have an understanding of general data analysis

Unser Jobangebot Working Student in Material Analysis for Solar Modules (all genders)klingt vielversprechend?Bei unserem Partner Workwise ist eine Bewerbung für diesen Job in nur wenigen Minuten und ohne Anschreiben möglich. Anschließend kann der Status der Bewerbung live verfolgt werden. Wir freuen wir uns auf eine Bewerbung über Workwise.

Work Hours:

15 - 20 hours per week hours per week